Hello…I am so glad you have found my little world.

Are you…

  • feeling the pull of your creative side, but not sure how to start?

  • feeling blah in your art or writing?

  • overwhelmed by ideas, but can’t seem to settle into your creative rhythm?

  • introverted and sensitive, finding it hard to bring your work into the world?

This was me, this is me and I have been finding my way through the sticky creative process to find joy back in my work and my life again . I would love the opportunity to share what I have learned along the way and to help you find YOUR own answers for YOUR creative joy.

I help to…

  • Build a sustainable creative practice that works in harmony with your life and prevents burn out.

  • Read those fears and doubts that surface and use them as curious messages, negating their power to stand in your way.

  • Celebrate each win as they come, to build a memory of things going well to help positive thoughts for the future.

  • let creativity be your guiding anchor for this noisy world and bring inner meaning for your every day.

I’m a Certified Creativity Coach and exploring artist, with a down to earth and unique approach. I listen attentively and reflect intuitively to fully understand your needs and wants rather than coming from any outside agenda. Every creative works in their own special way and my goal is to help you find your own meaning of success.

Let’s get you back on track with YOUR creative life and have a look around to see a little of mine.